CryptoTech Co.,Ltd.

Network Composer® is a smart gateway appliance from Cymphonix that allows administrators to see - in most cases for the first time - what is happening on Internet and WAN resources, both by application and by user. Network Composer provides both real time visibility and historical reporting - providing your company with the secure, intelligent data flow it needs. Cymphonix's patent-pending Cross-Layer Intelligence (XLi?) technology makes Network Composer the most robust Unified Threat Management and Unified Performance Control appliance available today.
Network Composer gives you:


  • Spyware Control
  • Anti-Virus
  • Content Filtering
  • P2P Control
  • Instant Messaging Logging
  • SSL Filtering
  • SSL Filtering with Denied Access Page
  • SSL Reporting
  • Basic Proxy Mode
  • Application Shaping
  • Bandwidth Optimization
  • Quality of Service (QoS)
  • Real-Time & Historical Reporting
  • Automated Alerts and Report Delivery
  • HTTPS Streaming Media Control

Network Composer has an intuitive web-based interface that is easy to install and use for IT professionals and provides actionable reports to executives and HR directors. Best of all, it is not a subscription based solution which makes it the most affordable web filtering, spyware monitoring & bandwidth management solution available. Network Composer will pay for itself very quickly in bandwidth savings, increased company productivity, and reduced liability. Benefits for: Network Administrators Executives HR Directors

Benefits to Network Administrators & IT Departments

  • Less Hassle - Normally you would need four or five applications to handle what Network Composer does all by itself. The bottom line is it translates into less work and hassle for you. Network Composer does Real Time Network Monitoring, Web Filtering, Spyware Protection, P2P Control, Instant Message Recording and Bandwidth Optimization all in one easy to install and maintain appliance.
  • Budget Friendly - Network Composer is a pay-one-price affordable solution. Other web filtering options charge on a recurring monthly subscription that ends up costing you several times the cost of Network Composer. Your company's executives will be thrilled at how you killed several birds with one affordable stone.
  • Real Time Reporting - In addition to archiving historical data, Network Composers real-time reporting allows you to see what is happening on your network right now!
  • Spyware Protection - Network Composer scans your entire network for spyware. Instantaneously identify infected systems while blocking new spyware threats.
  • Web Filtering - Monitor the web surfing of individual users and/or block websites altogether.
  • P2P Control - P2P file sharing is not only the single biggest bandwidth hog on your network, it puts your company in the legal line of fire! Network Composer can help you put a stop to it immediately.
  • Record Instant Messages - Sarbanes Oxley compliance requires you to log and record all IM traffic on your network. Network Composer does it quickly and easily.
  • Optimize Bandwidth - Prioritize, shape, limit or block Internet traffic for peak efficiency. Clear out the pipe and give top priority to mission critical traffic. You can easily manage and control greedy and abusive users on the network.

Benefits to Executives & Administrators
  • Helps with Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance - Network Composer logs and archives the content all Instant Messages. In addition it also logs all HTTP and FTP destinations. All this is required for companies that must comply with Sarbanes-Oxley.
  • Guarantee mission critical network traffic - your mission critical applications are being slowed, and in some cases fail because your network connection to the internet is jammed with file sharing, web surfing, audio streaming and other wasteful traffic. It's a fact, and it's happening right now. Network Composer puts a stop to it and gives top priority to your critical business traffic.
  • Get More bandwidth - By blocking bandwidth hogging activities by your employees you get more bandwidth. In some cases a lot more bandwidth, without having to buy more!
  • Reduce Liability - Are your employees surfing inappropriate websites that create a hostile work environment? Are they illegally downloading copyrighted music or movies? These issues are quite common and create unnecessary risk for your company. Network Composer will put a stop to it.
  • Save Money - If you are short on bandwidth, you have two options. Buy more, or optimize the bandwidth you have. Compare the price of Network Composer to just the annual cost of an additional T-1. Network Composer pays for itself quickly in bandwidth savings alone.
  • Increase Employee Productivity - It's not rocket science. Employees who cannot surf frivolously and download music files are not distracted from doing their actual jobs. Network Composer improves employee productivity dramatically.
  • Reporting With Actionable Data - Executives get regular automatic reports emailed in PDF format. These reports contain actionable data including, actual bandwidth usage, users who violate company Internet policies and how, etc.
Benefits to HR Directors
  • Document Network Abuses -You are on the front lines of keeping your workplace a pleasant and productive one for all employees. One employee can wreck that with inappropriate Internet use. Network Composer documents and archives all network abuses so that you have the information you need to correct problems promptly.
  • Improve & Monitor Productivity - Employees who know that their abuses are being documented automatically will stop abusing and get to work. Improving productivity is one of your primary responsibilities, and Network Composer can help you.
  • Captures & Archives Instant Messenger Traffic - IM is a great tool, but like all tools, can be abused. Most of the IM traffic in your organization is probably job related, but some of it isn't. It could be simply costing productivity, or worse improper use could put your firm at risk. Network Composer captures and archives all network IM traffic.
  • Reporting with Actionable Data - HR Directors receive regular PDF reports via email with documentation of abuses providing actionable data needed to enforce company policy.



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